Join antlia-testnet Public Testnet
is now live!
The genesis files are in ./latest
We will airdrop testnet tokens to all participants in the last Antlia testnet. If you would like to participate and have not received tokens, can you n get some from this faucet.
How to Run a Testnet Validator
Please refer to the Antlia Hub documentation on validators for a general overview of running a validator. We are using the exact same validator model and software, but with slightly different parameters and other functionality specific to Antlia Network.
Install GO
At the time of this writing, 1.12.5 is the latest version of Golang. Go 1.12+ is required for the Antlia SDK.
Install ANTLIA
Find the latest release tags here. To verify if installation was successful:
Setting Up a New Node
Make sure you back up the mnemonics !!!
Creating a Validator
If you are joining at genesis scroll down to the section on Creating a Genesis Validator!
Please follow the documentation provided on creating a validator for Antlia hub, replacing gaiad and gaiacli with antliad and antliacli respectively. Also our testnet staking token denomination is antlia and Antlia addresses begin with antlia.
Creating a Genesis Validator
This section applies ONLY if you are joining at genesis!
Generate Genesis Transaction (optional)
If all goes well, you will see the following message:
Submit Gentx (optional)
Submit your gentx in a PR here
Genesis & Seeds
Fetch genesis.json into antliad's config directory.
Add seed nodes in config.toml.
Find the following section and add the seed nodes.
Make antliad a System Service (optional)
Paste in the following:
This tutorial assumes $HOME/go_workspace to be your Go workspace. Your actual workspace directory may vary.
Start Node
Method 1 - With systemd
Check node status
Check logs
Method 2 - Without systemd
Check node status
Create Validator
To create validator you must have Antlia’s coin in you account then perform the following transaction
To get the public key for create validator the the following command
Now run the following command
After this the validator will be shown on your blockchain explorer.
Last updated