
This faucet app allows anyone who passes a captcha to request tokens for a Antlia account address. This app needs to be deployed on a Antlia testnet full node, because it relies on using the antliacli command to send tokens.



If you don't have a reCAPTCHA site setup for the faucet, now is the time to get one. Go to the Google reCAPTCHA Admin and create a new reCAPTCHA site. For the version of captcha, choose reCAPTCHA v2.

Checkout Code

The backend requires Go and the dep dependency tool to be installed. For the frontend, you also need to have node.js and the yarn dependency tool installed.

go get git@github.com:antlia/antlia-faucet

Backend Setup


First, set the environment variables for the backend, using ./backend/.env as a template:

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/antlia/antlia-faucet/backend
cp .env .env.local
vi .env.local

Then build the backend.

dep ensure
go build faucet.go

The following executable will run the faucet on port 8080.


WARNING: It's highly recommended to run a reverse proxy with rate limiting in front of this app. Included in this repo is an example Caddyfile that lets you run an TLS secured faucet that is rate limited to 1 claim per IP per day


Run go run faucet.go in the backend directory to serve the backend.

Frontend Setup


First, set the environment variables for the frontend, using ./frontend/.env as a template:

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/antlia/antlia-faucet/frontend
cp .env .env.local
vi .env.local

Then build the frontend.

yarn build

Lastly, serve the ./frontend/dist directory with the web server of your choice.


Run yarn serve in the frontend directory to serve the frontend with hot reload.

Last updated