
This guide will explain how to install the antliad and antliacli entry points into your system. With these installed on a server, you can participate in the mainnet as either a Full Node or a Validator.

Install Go

Install go by following the official docs. Remember to set your $GOPATH and $PATH environment variables, for example:

mkdir -p $HOME/go/bin
echo "export GOPATH=$HOME/go" >> ~/.bash_profile
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:\$GOPATH/bin" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile

Go 1.12+ is required

Install the Binaries

Next, let's install the latest version of Antlia:

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd antliaproject && make install

NOTE: If you have issues at this step, please check that you have the latest stable version of GO installed.

That will install the antliad and antliacli binaries. Verify that everything is OK:

$ antliad version --long
$ antliacli version --long

antliacli for instance should output something similar to:

name: antlia
servername: antliad
clientname: antliacli
build tags: netgo ledger
go version go1.12 linux/amd64


Install Tags

Build tags indicate special features that have been enabled in the binary.

Build Tag



Name resolution will use pure Go code


Ledger devices are supported (hardware wallets)

Last updated